How to Videos

Adept-tec has created a number of ‘how to’ videos to answer common questions by Enterprise Vault administrators. Browse through our video titles below to find out how to carry out key tasks in Enterprise Vault.

Enterprise Vault Classification and GDPR Compliance

Introduction to SMTP Archiving - 1

Introduction to SMTP Archiving - 2

Deep Dive into SMTP Archiving

Selective SMTP Archiving

Journal of SMTP Archiving - 1

Journal of SMTP Archiving - 2

Using X Headers with SMTP Archiving

Mobile Access to EV Archiving using EV Mobile Search – 1

Mobile Access to EV Archiving using EV Mobile Search – 2

Mobile Access to EV Archives Using IMAP – 1

Mobile Access to EV Archives Using IMAP – 2

Enterprise Vault Classification and GDPR Compliance

Introduction to SMTP Archiving - 1

Introduction to SMTP Archiving - 2

Deep Dive into SMTP Archiving

Selective SMTP Archiving

Journal of SMTP Archiving - 1

Journal of SMTP Archiving - 2

Using X Headers with SMTP Archiving

Mobile Access to EV Archiving using EV Mobile Search – 1

Mobile Access to EV Archiving using EV Mobile Search – 2

Mobile Access to EV Archives Using IMAP – 1

Mobile Access to EV Archives Using IMAP – 2

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